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Online digital course, Internet video course A comprehensive and professional course

SKU 00042
On Sale
was 8,500.00₪ Save 58%
Product Details
Repairing, renewing and upgrading wigs
and hair extensions

Wig fashion is constantly changing
You want to be contemporary and modern
You can renew a wig and get a wig like new at a much lower price.
Prices on the website do not include VAT
hair filling
100% natural hair
Change skin for a wig
Adding tresses to the wig
Exchange of climes. Mascaria
Transferring a net cap to the wig
Added front lace
Reducing and increasing a wig
Tape, mesh fabrics, scissors, rubber bands,
Overlapping and drying the hair
hair extension
network repairs

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Online digital course, Internet video course A comprehensive and professional course

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